Upcoming talks

  • 2024-11: Transient diversity between research groups. Philosophy of Science Association, New Orleans
  • 2024-11: Modeling cognitive diversity in group problem solving. Pittsburgh Formal Epistemology Workshop
  • 2024-09: Behavioral policy for self-governance. Agency, Preference and Welfare workshop, University of Helsinki
  • 2024-07: Group problem solving: Diversity versus diffusion. COGSCI 2024, Rotterdam

Recent Talks

  • 2024-05: Euroscisci network meeting. 16th Annual Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociology, Leipzig
  • 2024-02: Taking the power back? Nudging, self-nudging, and internal conflict: REPIN/Centre de recherches historiques, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris
  • 2023-12: The many functions of diversity in scientific problem solving. Workshop on Computational Models in Social Epistemology. Ruhr University Bochum
  • 2023-12: Chapter presentation. Mini-conference & book launch - Research Handbook on Nudge and Society. El-Erian Institute, University of Cambridge (w/ Ralph Hertwig)
  • 2023-12: The division of cognitive labor and the structure of interdisciplinary problems. The theoretical foundations of interdisciplinarity symposium, Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki
  • 2023-11: Self-nudging and the citizen choice architect. Design matters. Conference on ‘Emerging Technologies and Behavioural-driven Designs.’ Erasmus University, Rotterdam
  • 2023-10: The division of cognitive labor and the structure of interdisciplinary problems. Strategic Organization Design, University of Southern Denmark

  • 2023-09: Calculemus! Robot scientists and the mechanization of scientific reasoning? European Philosophy of Science Association, Belgrade (w/ Jaakko Kuorikoski) (Poster)
  • 2023-07: The division of cognitive labor and the structure of interdisciplinary problems. ISSI workshop “Reflecting on Interdisciplinary Teams”, online talk.
  • 2023-06: Diversity-trumps-ability theorem and epistemic democracy. Institutional Epistemology Workshop 2023, University of Helsinki
  • 2023-05: Science studies as a social science. Nordic Network for the Science of Science, DIAS, University of Southern Denmark. (w/ Petri Ylikoski)
  • 2023-05: Modeling cognitive diversity in group problem solving. Philosophy of Cognitive Science seminar, University of Warsaw.
  • 2023-02: Division of Cognitive Labor: The costs and benefits of interdisciplinarity. DFG research network “Simulations of Scientific Inquiry”, University of Bochum.
  • 2022-12: Computational Social Science: An Emerging Discipline? Nordic Network for the Science of Science, Athens. (w/ Matti Nelimarkka, Juho Pääkkönen)
  • 2022-12: Universities as anarchic knowledge institutions, Perspectives on Science research seminar, University of Helsinki. (w/ Säde Hormio)
  • 2022-11: Epistemic sustainability, Philosophy of Science Association conference (PSA 2022), Pittsburgh. (poster, w/ Inkeri Koskinen)
  • 2022-11: Persistent evidential discordance, Philosophy of Science Association conference (PSA 2022), Pittsburgh. (w/ Sofia Blanco Sequeiros)
  • 8/2022: What universities know, Social Ontology/Collective Intentionality 2022, Vienna. (w/ Säde Hormio)
  • 7/2022: Modeling cognitive diversity in group problem solving, COGSCI 2022: 44th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society*, Toronto. (w/ Jaakko Kuorikoski)
  • 7/2022: Models & Methods: Summer School of the Vienna Doctoral School of Philosophy, University of Vienna.
  • 3/2022: Social kinds in the making – construction or recruitment? Lógica, Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia. UNED, Madrid.

  • 11/2021: The diversity-ability trade-off in scientific problem solving. Philosophy of Science association meeting (PSA 2020/2021), Baltimore.
  • 8/2021: Models as argumentative devices. European Philosophy of Science association meeting (EPSA21), Turin.
  • 6/2021: Computational social science as a trading zone. Emerging integration or increasing fractionation? Summer Institute in Computational Social Science, Helsinki. (w/ Matti Nelimarkka, Juho Pääkkönen)
  • 5/2021: Social kinds in the making – construction or recruitment? Perspectives on Science seminar, University of Helsinki
  • 2/2020: When does diversity beat ability in problem solving? Theoretical Philosophy research seminar, University of Helsinki.
  • 1/2020: Do Bayesian models help us to understand the human mind? Mind and Matter workshop, University of Helsinki.
  • 1/2020: Artificial intelligence in scientific research - a new style of reasoning? FiPhi 2020.
  • 10/2019: Learning from field experiments. Workshop, Be­ha­vi­oural in­sights in design­ing pub­lic policy & in­ter­ven­tions.
  • 9/2019: Modeling collaborative division of cognitive labor. Poster, EPSA 2019, Geneva.
  • 8/2019: AI in scientific research. Panel discussion (chair), Methods Festival, Tampere University.
  • 8/2019: Social kinds in the making – construction or recruitment? Social Ontology 2019, Tampere University.
  • 5/2019: Modelling collaborative division of labor, Diversity in Science workshop, Tampere University.
  • 5/2019: TBA, Intervention evaluation & field experiments - BeSP (Behaviour Change Science & Policy) Symposium Series. Helsinki.
  • 3/2019: What has modeling taught us about cognitive diversity? Agent-based models in philosophy: Prospects and Limitations. Bochum, Germany.
  • 2/2019: Dos and don’ts of neuropaternalism. University of Witten-Herdecke. (w/ Jaakko Kuorikoski and Susanne Uusitalo)
  • 1/2019: AI, the new IT? (Tekoäly, uusi atk?) Philosophical Society of Finland Colloquium ‘19. (w/ Jaakko Lehtinen, Jaakko Kuorikoski)
  • 11/2018: Social kinds in the making – construction or recruitment?, A workshop on Ron Mallon’s book The Construction of Human Kinds. University of Copenhagen.
  • 10/2018: Multiple model idealization in model based social epistemology, A Workshop on multiple models. TINT / University of Helsinki. (w/ Emrah Aydinonat)
  • 10/2018: Comments on Jacob Stegenga’s lecture “Bayesian Mechanista: understanding the effectiveness of interventions.”. Evidence to policy – a seminar series by the new social research programme, University of Tampere.
  • 10/2018: Why aren’t we all addicts? Concept Formation in the Natural ​and the Social Sciences, University of Zurich.
  • 5/2018: “Institutional Epistemology: Understanding the epistemic dynamics of collective inquiry”, Knowledge Lab, University of Chicago.
  • 2/2018: “The philosophy of computational social science”, University of Tampere. Invited lecture.
  • 1/2018: “Social epistemologists against social learning”, Philosophical Society of Finland Colloquium ‘18.
  • 10/2017: “AI and philosophy”, panel discussion, Finnish Philosophical association and Cognitive Science joint event: AI and Philosophy.
  • 10/2017: “Research funding for the best – or to maverick scientists? Models and simulations as research tools in science studies. (in Finnish) Edistyksen Päivät, Helsinki.
  • 8/2017: “Should scientists really ignore their peers?” in the symposium The Simulationist Turn in Social Epistemology: new directions & challenges to received wisdom. EPSA 17, European Philosophy of Science Association biennial meeting, Exeter, UK.
  • 7/2017: “How could a rational analysis model explain?” CogSci 2017, London.
  • 1/2017: “What, when and how do rational analysis models explain?” MCMP, Munich.
  • 11/2016: “What, when and how do rational analysis models explain?” Philosophy of Science Association biannual conference, Atlanta.
  • 6/2016: “Causal Matrix for Addiction”, Helsinki Symposium on Philosophy of Psychiatry (w/ Petri Ylikoski).
  • 5/2016: “Topological explanations in the social sciences.” Models and Simulations 7, Barcelona.
  • 4/2016: “Topological explanations in the social sciences.” Nordic Network for Philosophy of Science, Pärnu.
  • 1/2016: “Classification, knowledge, identity.” Mikkeli Academy 2016. Invited presentation. (in Finnish).

For presentations -> 2015, visit the archive